Gasoline (petrol)

Gasoline (petrol)

A mixture of aliphatic and aromatic solvents

Property Value in metric unit Value in US unit
Density at 68°F (20°C) 0.749 *10³ kg/m³ 46.7 lb/ft³
Viscosity at 68°F (20°C) 0.4 cP 2.68*10-4 lb/ft·s
Reid vapor pressure 55-103 KPa 8-15 psi
Boiling point 27-225 ºC 80-437 ºF
Melting Point -40 ºC -40 ºF
Flash Point -43 ºC -45 ºF
Autoignition temperature 257 ºC 495 ºF

Blog, Updated at: 12:58 PM
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