Color theory and Expert

Color theory and Expert

Color is a process that occurs when light of an object. Everyone will love the color because of the presence of color can give beauty and aesthetic value. In addition, the color is also considered to have an influence on one's psychology.

Most people will choose the colors according to each character so that one's favorite color is sometimes not the same. The colors are so useful in human life. The identity of a specified color of the light wavelength. For example, the blue color has a wavelength of 460 nanometers.

Color theory and Expert Color wavelengths that human eyes can still be caught between the 380-780 nanometer range. Talking about the color will not be separated from the color theories expressed by some experts the following:

Sir Isaac Newton's theory

Newton conducted experiments and concluded, if conducted solving the color spectrum of sunlight, the colors will be found a wide range consisting of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. These colors can be seen in the rainbow.

Brewster theory

Brewster theory was first declared in 1831. This theory simplifies the colors that exist in nature into 4 groups of color, the primary colors, secondary, tertiary, and neutral colors. These color groups are arranged in a circle of color brewster. Brewster circle explained the theory of complementary colors, split complementary, triad and tetrad.
  • Primary colors, a base color that is a mixture of other colors. Colors are included in the class of the primary colors are red, blue, and yellow.
  • Secondary colors, are the result of mixing primary colors with a proportion of 1:1. For example, orange is the result of a mixture of red with yellow, green is a mixture of blue and yellow, and purple is a mixture of red and blue.
  • Tertiary color, a mixture of one primary color with one secondary color. For example, a yellowish orange color obtained from the mixing of yellow and orange.
  • Neutral colors, neutral colors is the result of three primary colors mixed in the proportion 1:1:1. These colors often appear as balancing contrasting colors in nature. Usually the right mix will lead to black.
Brewster theory called the circle of colors that are widely used in the art world.

Munsell theory

In 1858, investigated the Munsell color with color standards for the physical and psychological aspects. In contrast to Newton and Brewster, Munsell said the basic colors of red, yellow, green, blue and orange. While the secondary colors of orange, light green, dark green, dark blue and indigo.

Blog, Updated at: 8:28 PM
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