Beautiful wall with Washed painting technique

Beautiful wall with Washed painting technique

Brushed paint will certainly bring a beautiful impression on interior walls. However, it looks plain can certainly make you become bored. Well, to give the feel is different and unique, there's nothing wrong if you try to use the technique of decorative paint applications.
By using decorative techniques, you can create specific motifs bring suit which would create the impression of an attractive wall. One of the decorative painting techniques you can do is washed techniques. Washed painting technique is smearing paint using a sponge to obtain effects such as clouds.

home interior painting techniquesWay of applying it is by applying paint in small increments. The equipment and materials used such as the wall paint with two colors as you wish, priming, sanding, roller, paint tray, and sponge.
While for the process is as follows:
  • Sandpaper first wall to be painted, given a coat of paint before the base. So there was no dirt or dust and paint can be attached to the flat base.
  • Use the basic paint colors paint techniques washed terangagar results look clear and beautiful. Primer should be diluted before use water to make it easier when you paint.
  • Apply the primer using a roller or brush. Way of application of primer should always be in line for a neat result. Repeat this basic paint 2 to 3 times so we get good results and evenly. Wait until primer is completely dry, approximately half a day.
  • You can start painting techniques washed when primer is completely dry. How dab the sponge into the paint-colored older. But do not jump to put the sponge on the wall, but first a sponge to apply a wood or cardboard to paint in thin sponge.
  • At the time of applying to the wall, the sponge should be held in such a manner, so that the paint surface that is spherical. So that results can be round, apply to the paint on the sponge out. Repeat this 2-3 times, until the paint evenly washed.

Blog, Updated at: 9:30 PM
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