Monochromatic color combination to interior

Monochromatic color combination to interior

Monochromatic color combination is the blend color from the color intensity of different value. This color combination will create an atmosphere appropriate to the character of the basic colors are used.
For example, the red color combined with pink and dark red color. These colors are all shades of pure red color. You can use red as a base color that will create an impression of energetic and robust characteristics that correspond to the red color.

Monochromatic color combination is also a color combination that is safe to be applied to an interior being able to give a touch of harmony and harmony. Yes, using the colors of a moderate intensity level or intensity that is not too far away is the easiest way to do to create the right composition in the interior.

Monochromatic color combination

you can try to apply for example in the bedroom so as to create an atmosphere that makes sleeping more comfortable. The key to applying this combination does not seem so boring room is located on the game light-dark color. Bright colors can be created by adding white color, while for dark colors can be done by adding black.

For example, use a combination of beige and brown color. Keduannya is a color that is still in one instance. A memorable bright beige and easily combined with other colors used in most of the wall as a base color. As an accent, used on one wall a darker color is brown. Remember, the walls should be chosen as an accent wall that is not too large, so the color does not dominate the room.

Blog, Updated at: 10:14 PM
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