Primary color circle

Primary color circle

Primary colors are basic colors or color staple. The color can be formed of other colors when mixed. A blend of primary colors and secondary colors will produce a mixture of primary colors with secondary colors produce tertiary colors.
 The primary colors consist of three kinds, among which are:

Primary colors Additif

Included in the additive primary colors of red, green and blue. Mixture of red and green, producing a yellow or orange color. A mixture of green and blue produces shades of greenish blue, while a mixture of red and blue produces shades of purple. Mixture with balanced proportions of the primary additive colors produce gray shades.

Primary color circle
If all three colors in one full, then the result is white. Color space / color of the resulting models are called the RGB (red, green, blue / red, green, blue).

Subtractive primary colors

Red, Yellow, Blue / RYB (red, yellow, blue) is part of the subtractive primary colors. Especially used in painting. RYB primary colors form the color in a standard color circle, as well as secondary colors such as violet, orange / orange and green. "Triad color" is composed of three colors equidistant on a color circle.

Primary Color Mixture - subtractive

A mixture of yellow and greenish blue produces green, yellow mixed with reddish purple produce red, while a mixture of reddish purple with greenish blue produces a blue color.

In theory, this pigment mixture in three equal size will result in gray, and black when all three will be fully mixed. However, if put into practice the results are likely to be a dirty brown color.

Therefore, it is often used four colors, namely black, in addition to the blue-green, reddish purple, and yellow. The resulting color space called CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black).

Blog, Updated at: 8:58 PM
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