Filler for anti-corrosive paints

Filler for anti-corrosive paints

Could you tell me what fillers we chould use to make our anti-corrosive paints less expensive ?

The purpose of using fillers in a formulation is usually not only to reduce its price but also to improve the end product. This now also applies to steel coatings where protection against corrosion is the most important consideration. One of the substances meeting this requirement is quartz ( silica ), as well as synthetic silica preparations.

Aluminium silicates

( kaolin ) and calcite fillers are relatively inexpensive, the disavantage being that they are affected by acid media. Talc can also be recommended. This consists of mangnesium silicate and acts primarily as a barrier to corrosive media. The addition of micacceous iron are produces a similiar effect.

Blog, Updated at: 11:02 AM
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