Group additive primary colors

Group additive primary colors

Group additive primary colors Which belong to the group of additive primary colors are red, green and blue. Mixed colors of red and green light, produce shades of yellow or orange. A mixture of green and blue produces shades of blue-green (cyan), while a mixture of red and blue produces shades of purple and bluish red (magenta).

Additive primary colors

Additive primary colors is called the RGB (red / red, green / green, blue / blue). following:

The color red is the color at the lowest frequencies of light are visible to the human eye. Red light has a wavelength of about 630-760 nm range (nanometer). Red light is the first light absorbed by seawater, so many fish and marine invertebrates saga appears red (bright red) to look black in their native habitat. Red is one of the additive primary colors, is the complement of the color cyan (greenish blue). At lower frequencies are called infrared, or far red.

Blue is one of the three additive primary colors other than red and green. Blue is the color of the sky and are often used to describe the color of the sea. Blue is the color of the sky because of the reflection color of the sky, the quantity of water in a lot of looks blue because red light (approximately 750 millimeters) is absorbed by water molecules. But there is also assumed that the blue color comes from plankton in the ocean of life. Blue is the type of color between cyan and indigo.

Green was also one of the additive primary colors and is the complement of magenta (purplish red). Green remedy, and the colors are often found in the leaves is useful for reducing stress. Green is the type of color between yellow and cyan.

Blog, Updated at: 9:21 PM
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