Blistering paint experience and Flaking

Blistering paint experience and Flaking

Painting is often considered to be an easy thing to do. Many consider painting the same way on any surface or wall when the wall is different-different condition. error means the application will cause paint damage.
Paint damage caused by errors during the process of painting such as blistering and flaking. What is a blistering and flaking


blistering Blistering, which had paint bubbles with different sizes.
The use of paints with high quality and has a dense layer of plastic, so that water or solvent which may lead to bubble stuck underneath the paint layer. Painting on the wet surface will result in reduced adhesion of paint layers, so the possibility of bubbles will be bigger.

Solvent can survive under layers of paint when painting is done at once bold and direct exposure metahari.
Topmost layer of paint will dry more quickly, while the bottom layer still contains a lot of solvent that will evaporate. Solvent vapors will be trapped under a layer that has been dried and urged the layer so that it becomes a bubble.
Way of improvement:
The bubble the paint scraped off, the surface is cleaned, then put a layer of primer (if needed), coated with primer and then put the final coat of paint.

Flaking, peeling of the paint experience.
The cause:
  • Surface to be painted in dirty and greasy.
  • Using a putty low quality, so that its adhesive power when given a final layer of putty to make the layer will be lifted.
  • Primer used did not match the final coat of paint.
Way of improvement:
Peeling paint is scraped off the first layer of paint is peeling should be scraped up to the surface of the base. Then wash and then put a layer of primer, paint the end of the last apply.

Blog, Updated at: 4:49 PM
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